Angora Goats on Lucerne
By Dr Mackie Hobson BSc(Agric),BVSc
Tuesday, 14th October 2014Late pregnant ewes, ewes with kids at foot and weaned kids are often kept on lucerne lands to provide for the ewe's high nutritional needs, decrease losses by predation and achieve better growth rates in weaned kids.
Angora goats grazing lucerne needs to be well managed and the problems associated with this need to be addressed to be successful. Roundworm management is critical, particularly the period from late December until the end of May.
The problems associated with grazing Lucerne lands have often been successfully reduced by using the lucerne in a hay form and feeding in intensive areas.

Management of Angora goats on Lucern lands:
pregnant Angora ewes should be grazing on the farm’s best veld if they have not yet been introduced onto the lands. The energy requirement from day 90 of pregnancy rises from 1.5 to 2.5x maintenance by kidding and early lactation.
There are differences in the vaccination cover provided by different farmers. The majority use multicomponent Clostridium vaccines with or without Pasteurella while there were farmers who just vaccinated against Pulpy Kidney. The ewes ideally should be vaccinated 4-6 weeks before kidding.
It is advised that kids be covered by both
2: Roundworm treatment
This is by far the biggest threat to Angora goats grazing lucerne lands and management is critical.
SEE the impact of roundworms on Angora goat weaned kids
This is often the reason farmers shift from grazing lucern lkands to shifting to feeding lucern hay.
Internal parasite treatment if needed (check faecal egg counts) should be done a few weeks before introduction onto the lands (or moving to new land) as it may predispose the goats to eneterotoxeamia and will lead to a resistant roundworm parasite population developing on the lands if done immediately after dosing.
3: Mineral supplementation
Although very few of the farmers gave their ewes mineral supplements 4-6 weeks before kidding this would be an ideal time to do this. Research by companies producing mineral supplements indicates that when supplementing minerals (under normal conditions) the only significant improvement was seen in increased weaning of 4.6% while supplementation to increase pregnancy and kidding has a minimum effect (0.8-1%). These increases are much less than that seen in sheep and cattle due to the fact that browse material has much higher mineral values than grass. However, Lucerne does have mineral imbalances and deficiencies that need addressing.
- High dietary intakes of Ca and S in lucerne reduces Mn, Mg and Se absorption.
- Many cases of Se deficiency in South Africa seem to have been associated with a high lucerne diet. This is due to the fact that lucerne is high in Ca and S which has a suppressive effect on Se levels.
- High Ca levels in lucerne will also reduce the availability of Zn.
- Lucerne is low in sodium. Animals grazing on high lucerne diet may require salt licks.
Therefore Mn, Mg, Zn and Se supplementation is often advised 4-6 weeks before kidding on lucerne lands and regular supplementation for goats and kids spending prolonged periods on the lands.
4: Vitamin supplementation
Vitamins (A,E) do not cross the placenta in any quantity, which means a new-born kid has no reserves of these vitamins in its liver and must obtain these via the colostrum so hence the importance of these vitamins.
Trials have been conducted to evaluate the effect of vitamin A supplementation on the reproduction performance of Angora goats. The goats were injected with a commercial vitamin A product 4 - 6 weeks prior to mating and again 4 - 6 weeks before lambing over a 4-year period. It was evident that vitamin A supplementation had no effect on reproduction and production traits measured in this trial which may have been largely due to the good grazing conditions over this period
Vitamin A is synthesized from carotene, which is present in green plants, so levels of lucern are adequate.
5: Feed value of grazing lucerne
Lucerne as a pasture is highly digestible (65-70%) and on a DM basis has a high crude protein content (CP 15-25%) and high metabolisable energy (ME 8-11MJ/Kg DM).
The limiting factor is the moisture content of 70-80% which in late pregnant and lactating ewes may be bulk limiting (5kg intake a day moist basis) which may equate to about only about 1kg dry material. Hence being on a ‘dry’ lucern land with grass mix may be better.
Normal range Grazing lucern
3.7-4.4 % (37-44 g/Kg)
Nitrogen %
4.50-5.0 %
Phosphorus %
0.26-0.70%(0.2-0.7 g/Kg)
Potassium %
2.50-3.80 %
Sulphur %
0.26-0.50 %
Calcium %
0.51-3.00 % (3-5 g/Kg)
Magnesium %
0.31-1.00 %
Sodium %
0.00-0.05 %
30-250 ug/g
30-100 ug/g
20-70 ug/g
10-30 ug/g
0.90-2.00 ug/g
DM basis of lucerne at different stages of growth
% Digestibility
Early Bloom
Mid Bloom
Late Bloom
Also see article on LUCERN HAY
Introducing the ewes onto the lands
Farmers differ on when the ewes are first introduced to the lands before kidding starts. This period varies from less than a week to 4 weeks.
- The ewes should preferably be introduced onto old lands that have a thinner lucerne density with mixed grass growing amongst the lucerne and not newly planted lush lucerne. If only young lands are available then preferably introduce the ‘not hungry’ ewes onto lands that have turned a slight purple at a high stocking density rather than young lush growth.
- Move the ewes onto the lands after any trace of dew has gone. Monitor them closely over the day. Some farmers will have dose guns prepared with vegetable oil to dose any goats showing any signs of bloating. The risk of bloat is reduced once the Lucerne has been ‘topped’ and ad lib lucerne hay has been provided.

An ideal old land, for ewe introduction, with sparse lucerne and mixed grass
Lucerne hay should be provided on the margins of the lands when the ewes are first introduced. It takes over a week for the intestinal micro flora to adapt to a new diet. It must be kept in mind that green feed contains between 70% and 80% moisture, which means that if the ewes consume 5 kg of green fodder, they have only about 1 kg of dry material available for digestion when grazing. By just grazing the lucern the ewes may in effect become energy deficient and potential abortions could occur during the first week of ewes being introduced onto the lands.
The adaption period providing ad lib lucerne hay may also reduce the predisposition to enterotoxaemia (‘pulpy kidney’ and ‘rooiderm’) as well as reducing the incidences of bloat. The ewes will surprisingly continue to eat this hay on the edges of the land almost in preference to the growing lucern.
If facilities are available some farmers will adapt the ewes slowly by having a dry camp adjacent to the lands where lucern hay is fed and the goats can then be moved onto the lands with increasing time periods over the first week.
The risks return after rain when there is a flush of fresh growth or the goats are moved from a grazed land onto a fresh land.
Kidding on lucerne lands
1: Group size:
It would be ideal to have small camps with about 20 ewes kidding per camp but due the costs of infrastructure and large lands this is usually not possible.
The ewes per land varies between farmers according to infrastructure but this is generally in the region of 60-80 ewes per camp and in a few cases 100+ ewes may be found per land..
Grouping according to age, so older ewes are in bigger groups and younger ewes in smaller groups would be better.
Better mother and kid bonding occurs on lands and reduces the large number of losses poor bonding causes in the veld due to wandering.
2: Shelter:
Providing shelter in cold rains is vital and ideally farmers would wish for a shed per land. The use of trees and bush at the edge of the lands may in many cases be the only alternative.
Care needs to be taken when sheltering the ewes during a cold rain as overcrowding will lead to kid deaths. No more than 150 ewes should go into a 9x4m shed and adjoining kraal. The smaller the shed and reduced numbers the fewer kid mortalities. The ideal situation would be small sheds with small lands housing about 20 ewes.
3: Kidding:
Twins and mothers are immediately removed from the group either by:
- removing the twins and ewes and placing them into a small camp, pen or shed, or
- Keeping the ewes that have kidded back in the land while the pregnant ewe group moves on to the next land. The ewes and kids left behind must be checked after moving to ensure that bonding has occurred.
These ewes and kids can then be moved into larger groups after a day or two. This can either be a separate land or a shed in which the kids are kept and from which the ewes can jump over to get to a land.
Some farmers will have a 4 or more camp/land system. As ewes that have kidded remain in the land while the pregnant ewes are moved on to the next land. The ewes with kids are then grouped before the pregnant ewes get back to the first camp after (number camps) days.
Some farmers will mark all kids immediately after birth to facilitate bonding but it does mean higher staffing over the weekends is needed.
4: Kids 6-8 weeks old
At this age, the ewes and their kids are placed in larger groups
Depending on the condition of the veld and the availability of lands some farmers will move the kids and ewes back into the veld at this age. The losses on the veld will be higher due to the less intensive management and predators.
Other farmers will continue to keep them on the land regardless of veld conditions if facilities allow.
Most farmers will introduce a creep feed for the kids.
Certain farmers will start the creep feed first with the twins and when the ewes and kids are grouped at 6-8 weeks the twins then teach the singles to eat the creep feed.
5: Weaning:
The age at which the kids are weaned varies amongst the farms (range 3-6 months).
While pre-weaning growth rates of ram and ewe kids may be satisfactory, post-weaning growth rates, in kids that do not receive supplementary feeding after weaning, are often very poor. Kids that are weaned lose weight fast due to “weaning shock”.
The problem of unsatisfactory growth in newly weaned and young kids on natural grazing is usually due to an energy deficiency. The dramatic improvement in growth rates in these kids when supplemented shows the necessity for an effective supplementary feeding programme. This supplementary feeding should ideally be started before the kids (creep feed) are removed from the ewes so that they have already adapted to the diet.
The effect of weaning and nutrition on the growth rate of kids is demonstrated in experiments carried out when feeding weaned (removed from mothers) and un-weaned (left to graze with mothers until natural weaning occurs) kids. The growth rate of the un-weaned groups far outperforms the non-weaned groups by 54 - 85%.
There is interestingly a difference between the response to weaning in ram and ewe kids reflected in rams tolerate weaning much better.
Ewes wean their kids naturally at about five-and-a-half months.
The additional input costs of feeding weaned kids do not only benefit lifetime reproduction but also improved mohair return.
See the articles:
Weaning shock:
Weaning and first 18 months
Impact of weaning on kid
Impact of weaning on ewe
Impact of different feeds on kids
The farmers that sent the ewes and kids to the veld after 6 weeks often bring the kids back to the lands after weaning in order to improve growth rates. A similar adaption protocol is followed.
An alternative option to grazing lucerne is to keep the weaned kids in dry camps and feed lucerne hay after weaning. The losses experienced by farmers using this system are far lower than continuing to keep them on the lands.
The kids are often then sent to the veld after the first shearing so they don’t become caught up in thorn bushes and slightly better chance against predators.
Biggest problems faced by farmers:
- Parasites without a doubt are the biggest problem. The largest losses occur from January to the end of May. The problems usually arise when the kids return to land for their 3rd grazing when the parasite burdens from the contaminated pastures become very high.
- Too many ewes per camp
- Insufficient sheds/land
Health problems associated with Lucern lands.
The main disease conditions encountered on lucern lands.
1: Bloat:
The risk of bloat is highest during winter and spring.
- Avoid grazing lucerne when it is fresh and lush (particularly in the spring and autumn following a break) and when the stand is immature. Mature stands are much safer. The flush of fresh growth after rain is another risk period.
- Avoid putting very hungry animals onto lucerne especially when it is wet with dew.
- Feed roughage (e.g. lucern hay) ahead of grazing Lucerne.
- Use anti-bloat agents and dose vegetable oil where necessary.
2: Enterotoxaemia (Clostridium perfringens)
Young goats in good condition are most susceptible.
Predisposing factors include changes in diet, stasis of the intestinal tract, grazing on fodder crops, high protein diets, deworming, coccidiosis sudden changes in the weather and wilting of pasture. The interval between predisposing factor and disease may be 2-14 days (usually 7-14).
Clinical signs: Goats are usually found dead without clinical signs. Signs before death include neurological hypersensitivity, staggering gait, knuckling of fetlocks. They lie down, salivate, convulsions, opisthotonus (head and neck pulled back) and enter coma state.
For individual clostridium diseases see:
3: Pasteurella ‘Bont Long’
Pneumonia in Angora goats has been attributed to infection by both Pasteurella Haemolytica and Pasteurella Multocida with P. haemolytica being more prevalent. The disease is at its peak in autumn and spring and is often triggered by sudden changes in weather. Transport, crowding, dipping, shearing or any stress may predispose to the infection which usually occurs after a few days later, but can be up to two weeks later. The mortality rate seldom exceeds 10%. In the acute form, death may occur without clinical signs but most animals show fever, depression, nasal discharge, and coughing. Subclinical and chronic cases are non-specific and result in ‘poor doers’. For more detail see article
4: Clostridium septicum, ‘Baarmoedersponsiekte’, Malignant Oedema, Gas Gangrene
This group of diseases usually has a rapid onset and is generally fatal. It is characterised by tissues developing a rotten, spongy state called “gas gangrene”. It can be seen within the first few days after kidding.
This is a gas gangrene of the perineum, vula, and genital tract following infection of a wound post-kidding. The ewe can die within hours or up to 4 days after kidding. A dark bloody discharge is present from the vulva and perineum.
5: Clostridium Tetani ‘Klem-In-Die-Kaak’
Spores occur in the soil, dust, and in normal faeces. The spores enter wounds at castration, shearing, or through the umbilical stump of kids. The bacteria produce neurotoxin. The incubation can be as little as 3 days or several but may take months (usually 1-3 weeks). Clinical signs include stiffness followed by muscle spasms especially when disturbed. A restricted jaw movement, spasm of tail and nostrils, prolapse of 3rd eyelids and death occurs in 1-3 days. The disease is typically fatal in animals showing symptoms. The main risk on lands is kid castrations.
6: Pox virus ‘Orf’ ‘Vuilbek’
The virus affects goats of all ages, but kids are most susceptible. It is spread by contact and enters through any break in the skin. Abrasions to the lips and muzzle from browsing make this area the most common site for the lesions, which start to appear 2-6 days after the virus is introduced. The lesions start as reddish papules which change to yellowish pustules after a few days and later into dark brown scabs. Spread to the gums and inside the mouth and nose can then take place. Suckling kids can cause micro trauma to the teats of ewes make this a potential site for infection and transmission from the kids. Wet conditions can cause softening of the skin around the hooves resulting in abrasions and therefore infection typically between the claws. The generalised form is often fatal with extensive lesions of the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus and even the rumen. Secondary bacterial infection, most commonly pneumonia, can cause mortality rates of 20% or more.
1: Brown stomach worm Teladorsagia circumcincta
The brown stomach worm has major health implications for Angora goats grazing on lands.
The major impact of brown stomach worm is from February to June and again October to December and when sheep and goats graze together goats are always more heavily infected.
Larvae are common on pasture in the cooler months (April to September). Larvae are taken in by the goats which enter the gastric pits of the abomasum and develop into adult worms over 18-21 days (but can still be found 8-12 weeks after infection.) The larvae cause necrosis of the glandular epithelium and results pH rising from 2-7 which results pepsin not being formed. This can lead to an increase in the number of bacteria in the abomasum and decreased digestion leading to diarrhoea
The result is a decrease in albumin levels (blood protein).
Adult worms do however suck blood (3-4 weeks after the initial infection) which results in the reduced blood count however anaemia is not as pronounced as in the case of wireworm.
Clinical signs: weight loss, submandibular oedema as well as marked oedema of the abdomen and limbs ‘waterpens’.Diarrhoea and anaemia may also occur.
2: Haemonchus contortus ‘wireworm’ ‘haarwurm’
These are roundworms found in the abomasum and easily identified by the ‘barber pole’ appearance and size of 2-3cm.
The female can produce 10 000 eggs a day. The eggs can hatch and reach an effective stage 3 larvae in ideal moist conditions. However, development can be retarded for weeks and even months when conditions are cool. The L3 larvae are taken in and produce eggs in 18-21 days.
Each worm can remove 0.05ml of blood a day.
Wireworm can cause death in 3 ways:
- Death in apparently healthy goats occurs suddenly as a result of severe haemorrhagic gastritis (20 000- 35 000 L3 larvae ingested.(blood loss 1000-1750ml per day)- rarely seen
- 2 000- 20 000 L3 larvae taken in causing blood loss of 100- 1 000ml a day. Anaemia becomes evident after 2 weeks. The bone marrow and iron reserves become depleted as the body tries to correct the anaemia. This results in bottle jaw, dark brown or black faeces.
- 100- 2 000 L3 larvae taken in causing blood loss of 5 -100ml a day and slow development of anaemia. Results in slow weight loss over months before becoming weak and oedema setting in.
The younger kids have very poor immunity against wireworm. The ewe’s immunity against wireworm declines dramatically in late pregnancy and lactation resulting in the contamination of the lands.
Studies have demonstrated that 5% of L3 stage wireworm larvae picked up from the vegetation establishes as adult worms in a normal adult dry ewe. During late pregnancy and lactation this increases to 30-40% due to the ewe’s poorer immune response during this period.
The larvae development is retarded in the abomasum over the winter (called hypobiosis) and start developing normally when conditions improve.
3: Coccidiosis
Coccidiosis is a disease of young kids with the most common age to be affected is 4 weeks to 5 months.
Nursing kids appear more at risk of acute severe coccidiosis. Occasionally, kids as young as 2 weeks may be affected. Older animals can also be affected if not previously exposed as kids. However, if older animals appear to be suffering from chronic coccidiosis, it may be the lasting effects from an infection from when they were younger.
Clinical signs: Signs may appear fairly suddenly and a kid may be only mildly ill the day before, may be very sick the next day.
Diarrhoea is an important feature but is often not seen in chronic cases. It may be watery and brown or may have blood in the stool (black and tarry and / or red streaks of fresh appearing blood).
The kids may be dehydrated and weak, they will invariably be depressed but fever is not always present.
They sometimes grind their teeth in discomfort and they may appear to have stiff hindquarters.
In more chronic cases the kids will be in poor condition and will be growing slowly.
The kids are thin, pot-bellied and small – although their heads may continue to grow giving them a runty appearance. The hind end may be dirty due to the soft stools and intermittent diarrhoea. Kids with chronic coccidiosis may never fully recover from the effects of the disease.
4: Tapeworm
Monezia tapeworm species are the most common tapeworm of Angora kids. They usually do not cause clinical disease except with heavy infestations. Heavy tapeworm burdens in kids may result in poor conditions and cause diarrhea. In rare cases, intestinal obstruction and predisposition to enterotoxaemia (Clostridial infection) may occur.
The summer months, October to April, favour the tapeworm life cycle which involves a soil mite (Oribatid mite) in which the developmental period may take 6 weeks. The mites are taken in by the goats when grazing and the tapeworm develops into an adult. The adult tapeworm lives for about 3 months in the small intestine. The eggs are passed in proglotid segments (visible as ‘rice grains’ in the faeces) and are later taken up by the mites.
Adult goats tend to develop good immunity against tapeworm and do not usually show clinical signs.
Other conditions
1: Abortions (Energy deficiency)
If the ewe’s rumen microflora is not adapted to a change of diet when moved onto the lands it may lead to an energy deficiency. The bacterial flora adapt over the first week and combined with the high moisture content of lucern (bulk limiting) together may lead to an energy deficiency. With the late pregnant ewes having such a high energy requirement there is a decrease in blood glucose level which is passed on to the foetus. This triggers a stress-response by the foetus, causing a rise in cortisol (steroid) production. In goats the CL is the only source of progesterone and is solely responsible for maintaining pregnancy, whereas in sheep, progesterone is also produced by the placenta. For this reason, sheep are significantly less likely to abort during energy shortages.
The aborted foetus is usually well formed, normal in appearance and sometimes still alive when aborted. When energy is supplemented appropriately, abortions will typically stop within two weeks.
During cold snaps it is important to remember cold stress also increases glucose consumption by up to 66%. This is aggravated by restricted grazing at times when goats are kept in shed. Abortion usually then occurs 1-5 days later. Pregnant ewes should therefore when possible be given supplementary feeding when housed.
For other causes of abortions SEE
2: Infertility
It is very rare that lucerne coumestrol levels would affect animal performance; however, diseased stands can reduce ovulation rates in ewes. The presence of leaf diseases, insect damage, and severe moisture stress can all increase coumestans levels.
Do not feed high-risk stands to breeding ewes in the 21 days prior to and during mating.
3: Cretinism:
An outbreak of goitre and hypothyroidism in newborn Angora kids has been described when ewes had been grazing on lucerne from the time of mating and received a free-choice lick, which included iodine. Investigations revealed that the condition was iodine-responsive, and was probably caused by a goitrogen-like thiocyanate. (Bath GF, Wentzel D, van Tonder EM.)
This article was written with input from farmers using lands to various degrees in their management programs and reference to trial data.
With thanks to Richie Herold, Fred Colborne, Weeber Truter, David and Lloyd Short, Jan Lategan, Henry van der Merwe, Gary Holmes, Brett Walker.)