Dipping Guidelines - Washing of Angoras Goats before shearing - update February 2021
By Dr Mackie Hobson BSc(Agric),BVSc

Tuesday, 2nd February 2021


Mohair producers have, for some time now, been made aware of the guidelines set by the mohair industry for the use of dips and pour-on products in the control of ectoparasites (lice and ticks) as well as the washing of mohair prior to shearing.

The OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 is a worldwide consistent, independent testing and certification system for raw, semi-finished, and finished textile products. The export of mohair to Europe is regulated by strict residue criteria set by OEKO-TEX®.


What are Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs)?

Some chemicals can block normal hormonal function in animals and humans. This process is called endocrine disruption.  EDCs are chemicals which may have an adverse effect on human and animals by disrupting the endocrine (hormone) system. 


What are the limit values for washes?

OEKO-TEX® standards (updated in Edition 1, 2021) set limit values for surfactant wetting agent residues used in washes.

The OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 published the sum limit values of  Nonylphenol (NP), Octylphenol (OP),  Octylphenol ethoxylate (OPE0), Nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE0) Edition 1, 2021

NP + OP + HpP + PeP + NP(EO) + OP(EO)

NP + OP + HpP + PeP


The ONLY recommended wash for Angora goats (other than clean water) are products TESTED and found to meet the current requirements, in line with OEKO-TEX® regulations.

These products currently include:

  • Breedz+ Angora Clip Preparation produced by Caprichem
  • Golden Products - LDC  distributed by Golden Products
  • Mohair Wash and Mohair Soft -SS Chemicals
  • Safic SAF Angora Clip produced by Safic

These guidelines may change in future as determined by the OEKO-TEX® standards and as further information obtained from residue trials and tests becomes available.


Dr Mackie Hobson (SAMGA Vet)


  082 860 0406 

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