Ectoparasite Treatment Guidelines
By Dr Mackie Hobson BSc(Agric),BVSc

Tuesday, 15th August 2023

The use of DIPS and POUR-ON products to treat ECTOPARASITES on ANGORA GOATS.


The Mohair industry has set guidelines for the use of dips and pour-on products by Angora goat farmers.

The export of Mohair to Europe is regulated by strict residue criteria regulated by OEKO-TEX®. The OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 is a worldwide consistent, independent testing and certification system for raw, semi-finished, and finished textile products.

Based on its comprehensive and strict catalogue of measures, with several hundred regulated individual substances, the OEKO-TEX® Standards feedback have resulted in guidelines being set for the use of dips and pour-on products for Mohair producers in South Africa.

These guidelines may change in future as determined by the OEKO-TEX® standards and as further information obtained from residue trials and testing becomes available.

Current Guidelines:

RECOMMENDED list of active ingredients that MOHAIR SA advise mohair producers use THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.

The list of currently available options to treat ECTOPARASITES (Ticks, lice etc.) as appearing in Mims IDR 2023/24:

  1. Dips and Sprays
  2. Pour-on
  3. Injectable
  4. Doses/oral

The list includes the product name, active ingredient and ectoparasites which they are licensed to treat. The products are also listed as licensed for use in goats or used off label and will be updated as more information becomes available.


Dr Mackie Hobson BSc(Agric)  BVSc

Mohair SA Vet


Follow the link below for the downloadable PDF version of the current recommended list:


Dr Mackie Hobson BSc (Agric)  BVSc














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