EKO water trough tablets
By Dr Mackie Hobson BSc(Agric),BVSc

Monday, 27th March 2023

Anthelmintic resistance is a common occurrence so the Mohair industry is continually looking at roundworm management and the benefits of alternative treatments. Thank you to Francois Froehlich of the farm Prospect for assisting with this study. EKO water trough tablets are used in livestock and poultry to assist in improving nutrient utilisation, intestinal health, immune response and growth performance. Registered V33335 Act 36/47.

    eko_waterkrip.jpg EKO water trough tablets contains Acemannan.
Acemannan is derived from the plant Aloe vera (Barbadensis milleri).
The reported range of biological effects of acemannan includes:
• stimulation of the production of IL-1a, TNF-a, IL-6, prostoglandin E 2  by
•enhanced macrophage phagocytosis
• induction of tumour cell apoptosis or necrosis.


Dosage advised by manufacturer

  • Clean trough.
  • Use a plastic bottle (300ml). Drill 8mm holes (aprox 4) in the bottle.
  • Add 4 tablets for every 25 litres of trough volume into bottle and close lid, if high faecal counts this can be increased to 6 tablets/25 litres. (If wanting to use as a treatment then dissolve 1 tablet in water and use to dose the goat).
  • Tie bottle to ball valve. The bottle must remain submerged.


100 tablets cost in the region of R540. Suggested that 100 small stock units require 16 tabs a week. Costs less than R1 a week per goat.

Objective of Field study

This field study was done to determine the effect of EKO water trough tablets (Containing Acemannan, unspecified amount) on the roundworm population of weaned Angora kids (6 months old) by evaluating the faecal egg counts (Faecal egg count reduction test).


  • Faecal samples were taken from 14 Angora goat kids (day 0) before starting the treatment
  • 4 EKO water tough tablets were added to 25 litres of drinking water in a clean container. No other water source was available. The 25 litres were replaced daily with 4 tablets.
  • Faecal samples were taken on days 0, 7, 14, 26 days for FEC (faecal egg counts).





EKO Water Trough tablets containing Acemannan  (derived from the plant Aloe vera - Barbadensis milleri) has an impact on roundworms (Strongyles) and reduced the faecal egg counts over the duration of the study (26 days) in Angora goat weaned kids. The study was stopped on welfare grounds as clinical condition and faecal egg counts required further intervention - the group were treated with a registered Anthelmintic.

The product may serve as:

1.Aid in control of roundworm population, reducing faecal egg production while allowing exposure to develop some immune response.
2. Aid in reducing the roundworm egg/larvae contamination of the pasture over time.
3. Reduce the dependence on and the use of Anthelmintic treatments, so reduce anthelmintic resistance.
4. Use in combination with Anthelmintic doses when monitoring faecal egg counts and practising Targeted Selective Treatment (TST) https://www.angoras.co.za/article/targeted- selective-treatment-tst#363

This is a similar study to one by Mohair SA using a commercial Aloe Ferox product. In the Aloe Ferox study the rate of increase of the faecal egg count was reduced (but did not reduce the total average counts). See field study on the effects of Aloe Ferox on roundworm, cocci and ticks in Angora goats. https://www.angoras.co.za/article/faecal-egg-and-tick-counts-following-treatment-


EKO water trough tablets can be used as aid in the control of roundworms and long term to help reduce contamination of the pasture with Angora goat weaned kids. Faecal egg counts must still be closely monitored while using the product.

Dr Mackie Hobson

Biologically Inspired and Biomolecular Materials. S.S. Silva, R.L. Reis, in Comprehensive Biomaterials II, 2017
Michael T. Murray ND, in Textbook of Natural Medicine (Fifth Edition), 2020

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