Fipronil, Abamectin (Attila)
By Dr Mackie Hobson BSc(Agric),BVSc

Thursday, 14th December 2017

 Treatment of Lice, Ticks and Roundworms in Angora Goats

Lice (red and blue) have historically been a problem effecting Angora goats. Due to the reported resistance of red lice against a number of active ingredients and the concern over drug residues in Mohair SAMGA has constantly been on the lookout for possible new treatments.


 Cipla Agrimed launched Attila (Fipronil 0,9 % m/v, Abamectin 0,5 % m/v)  earlier this year as pour on for CATTLE to treat ticks and roundworms.

As vets we have used the active ingredient ‘Fipronil’ extensively in cats, dogs and exotics for over 20 years where as a ‘spray on’ it kills fleas for 8 weeks and ticks for 4 weeks. For this reason we thought it would also treat lice in Angora goats.

In the trial we decided to apply the Axilla (bare skin in the armpits –Photo below left) as well as along the back to compare the two applications.  Applying the treatment along the back in our previous trial made it oily and collected dust which is not ideal if used in the month or two before shearing (photo below Right).



We also decided to double the manufacturer’s cattle dose guidelines as we know goats, due to their metabolism, when using anthelmintic require 1.5 to 2x the dose compared to sheep.

Thanks here to Gappie De Klerk of Meerlust for helping with this trial and providing the goats.

 Also to Steven Wright of Cipla for providing the Atilla and assisting in the trial and David Short  of Wheatlands where we started the initial trial




Three groups of goats were randomly selected .

  1. Control group
  2. Treatment (Along midline of back)
  3. Treatment (under armpits)
  • Lice counts were done on all goats (day 0, 14, 28, 49, 56)
  • Worm counts were done (day 0,14,28,49)
  • Ticks (peri-anal) where checked (day 28,49) There were no ticks on the goats at the startof the trial.



Average lice numbers  over 22 allocated sites per goat were checked


  • Green: Control group (no treatment)
  • Yellow: Treated under armpit
  • Brown: Treated along back


The product is being used off licence 

Effect on Lice: Conclusion:

Attila treatment is VERY EFFECTIVE in treating both RED and BLUE lice in Angora goats.

  • NO lice were found on the treated goats for more than 49 days after treatment.
  • Only 1 blue lice was found on a single treated goat on day 56


  • My advised dose is 2ml/10kg (1 per 5kg)
  • I advise splitting the dose and applying on the bare skin of each armpit (example 40kg goat apply 4ml on the bare skin of each armpit) or bare skin in groin areas.
  • If you wish to apply it along the back you must part the hair to get it onto the skin as it will not work as effectively if on hair.
  • The treatment costs work out at about R2.50 per 40kg goat.

Effect on ticks

Although the treated goats had significantly fewer ticks there were not eliminated.

  • The treatment is effective in helping to control tick numbers


Effect on roundworms


Although the product is licenced for the treatment of roundworms in cattle it is not effective as a treatment for roundworms in Angora goats -even at twice the dose of that of cattle or sheep. (See graph below)

The Fipronil and Abamectin combination occurring in Attila will in due course hopefully become licenced for use in Angora goats. It can currently be used ‘off licence’ after seeking advice from your vet.

Dr Mackie Hobson (SAMGA Vet)

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