Importance of METHIONINE in Angora goats

Tuesday, 6th February 2018

The importance of specific nutrients affecting mohair production has not been established in Angora goats, apart from one study showing that mohair growth responded to parenteral supplementation with methionine.

What is methionine?

Methionine (Met) is an amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins. As an essential amino acid, methionine is not synthesized by Angora goats so they must ingest methionine or methionine-containing proteins. Together with cysteine, methionine is one of two sulfur-containing proteinogenic amino acids.

What is the role of methionine in mohair production?

The main function of methionine is to provide cysteine for mohair protein synthesis.

Where does the methionine come from?

Sulfur is an essential macro-element for ruminants and can only be obtained from feed. Most cystine in sheep and goats are absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract, but the others are transformed by methionine.

What are some commercial products containing Methionine?

  • Byboost Sheep & Goats (Bayer)
  • Byboost Sheep & Goats+ Copper (Bayer)
  • Complex +A&E for Sheep & Goats (Cipla/Ascendis)

Trials indicating the importance of Methionine (Met) in fibre production.

  • Effects of zinc-methionine on performance of Angora goats. Supplementation of Zn-Met had positive effect on ADG and mohair growth. (Puchalaa,Sahlua, Davisa)
  • Sulfur supplementation promotes the synthesis of ruminal microbial protein, as well as cellulose digestion, wool growth and improves wool quality (Reis & Schinckel, 1963; Bray & Hemsley, 1969; Qi et al.,1994a).
  • Cashmere goat’s dietary supplementation with ZnSO4 increases concentrations of total protein and methionine in plasma. These sulfur supplements can also increase the content of methionine, cysteine and sulfur in cashmere fibres. Furthermore, the supplements can accelerate cashmere growth with no significant effect on cashmere fineness (Yali Feng; Yu Sun; Hongwei Deng; Yuyan Cong)
  • Sulfur accounts for 2.7% to 5.4% of wool, with finer fibres containing a higher amount of sulfur (Qi & Lupton, 1994 of ruminal microbial protein, as well as cellulose digestion, wool growth and improves wool quality (Reis & Schinckel, 1963; Bray & Hemsley, 1969; Qi et al.,1994a)

How much was added to diets in some of the trials?

  • Supplementation of 1 g Zn-Met may have positive effect on ADG and mohair growth when diet contains about 20 ppm Zn. (Puchalaa, Sahlua, Davisa)
  • Studies have shown that 0.23% was the optimal level of dietary sulfur in cashmere goats (Zhang & Cong, 2009; Cong et al., 2010).
  • Supplemented with 0.63% ZnSO4.H2O increased cashmere production. (Yali Feng; Yu Sun; Hongwei Deng; Yuyan Cong)



  • Farzad Aabdollahzadeh, Arash Usefi. Preliminary Study on the factors Affecting growth and Properties of Mohair and Wool fibers. Bull. Env.Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol 2 (12) November 2013: 117-121
  • The nutritional control of the growth and properties of mohair and wool fibers: a comparative review. P J Reis and T Sahlu
  • Effects of zinc-methionine on performance of Angora goats. RPuchalaaTSahluaJ.JDavisa
  • Promotion of cashmere growth by sulfur supplements in cashmere goats1
  • Yali Feng; Yu Sun; Hongwei Deng; Yuyan Cong ,Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, China

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