Plunge Dipping
By Dr Mackie Hobson BSc(Agric),BVSc

Monday, 6th May 2019

Dipping is an internationally recognised method for treating ectoparasites. Angora goats must be dipped in a controlled and calm way to minimise stress and ensure the thorough application of the ectoparaiste control treatment.

Ectoparasites must be treated to ensure the health and wellbeing of the Angora goats. Other options to dipping include Pour On products and certain injectable products. Speak to your vet.

It is the responsibility of the Mohair producer to ensure the welfare of his goats are taken care of when they are dipped.

The producer must also ensure that only recommended products are used to ensure residue guidelines are followed as per the SAMGA website.

Considerations before dipping:

  • Goats should preferably be dipped two to six weeks after shearing, as the Mohair is then long enough to retain dip and hence make the dipping more effective and worthwhile to treat ectoparasites.
  • The goats should be separated into various age groups to prevent the larger animals being dipped together with smaller ones.
  • The goats must be well and in good condition
  • Food should be removed overnight so there is less contamination of the dip by manure. The goats must be provided with clean fresh water before and after dipping.
  • Dipping should, as far as possible, be done in early morning on a mild, sunny day. This will allow the animals to dry properly and quickly.
  • Hot and tired goats must not be dipped. They should be allowed a period of rest after collection.
  • Remember protective equipment for those involved in the dipping process to avoid contact with the treatment.

Dipping procedure:

  • Work calmly and quietly, minimise stress
  • Each goat should be lowered into the dip tank gently, hindquarters first, and should not be turned on its back.
  • The head should remain above the water for a while to allow for normal breathing, and then be submerged twice with a dipping stick, again allowing time for breathing between dipping.
  • The goat must be continually checked as it swims through the dip to ensure it does not get into difficulty.
  • Mites, lice will move up the body very quickly and reside in dry areas so it is important that the head is submerged. Re-infestation by ectoparisites (especially lice) occurs quickly if the head is not submerged properly. Ensure the goat is breathing comfortably and the goat is not struggling before the head is submerged.
  • The distance/time of the swim is important and should be at least 9 m in length or close to a minute in duration.
  • Following manufacturer’s guidelines is critical in maintaining a proper concentration of insecticide. The total volume of the dip tank should be carefully calculated for determining the concentration of the dip. The treatment must be thoroughly mixed.
  • Replenishment instructions as advised by the manufacturer must be strictly followed.

 Considerations after dipping:

  • The goats must be monitored in the draining pen.
  • The goats should not be driven for long distances immediately after dipping.
  • Goats must be provided with fresh clean water.
  • Environmental guidelines as stipulated by the RMS must be followed.



Dr Mackie Hobson


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