Vaginal Prolapse
By Dr Mackie Hobson BSc(Agric),BVSc

Tuesday, 18th April 2017

Vaginal prolapse is rare in Angora goats compared to sheep but may be seen in the last month before kidding and usually associated with twins.


Vaginal prolapse (photo NADIS)

After exposure the prolapse becomes rough, cracks and is usually covered in soil and faecal debris.

The ewe will be in discomfort and unless treated the ewe will die.


What to do when a prolapsed vagina is seen?

The debris should be washed off (with a disinfectant if available) and covered in a damp towel to prevent drying out and further damage.

Often the ewe has been unable to urinate as a result of the prolapse. To relieve the urine build up the ewe is held in a standing position- raise the prolapse above the level of the vulva which reduces the fold in the neck of the bladder which allows urine outflow.

Ideally a vet should administer caudal analgesia (Epidural anaesthesia with1ml lignocaine) and replace the vaginal prolapse and place a purse-string suture.

  • The prolapse is carefully cleaned and dead tissue removed.
  • The prolapse is lubricated and gently replaced.
  • To retain the prolapse a Buhner or purse string suture is placed. Nylon, thick catgut or umbilical tape is placed in the subcutaneous tissue around the vulva 2cm from the labia and tightened to allow 2 fingers to be inserted.
  • A Long Acting (LA) antibiotic is given
  • The ewe must then be kept under close observation so that the suture can be removed prior to kidding.

Complications as a consequence of vaginal prolapse:

  • Abortion 1-2 days after the prolapse
  • Incomplete cervical dilation leading to dystocia at kidding.
  • Death of the kid and resulting in the death of the ewe.

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