
  • 'Kisieblaar' Malva Parviflora‘Kisieblaar’ (Malva parviflora) is considered poisonous due to it containing thiaminases, but has always been considered of academic interest only.
    Wednesday, 22nd May 2024
  • Drimia, Urginea spp ‘Slangkop’Because the plants have a supply of water in their bulbs they are less dependent on rainfall and can sprout in spring before the rains and so are often the only greenery around.
    Friday, 8th March 2024
  • Cotyledon and Kalanchoe spp ‘Pigs ear’ ‘Vark oor’ ‘Plakkie’SEE ‘Krimpsiekte’ https://www.angoras.co.za/article/krimpsiekte-cardiac-glycosides#126
    Friday, 8th March 2024
  • ‘Asbos’ Mesembryanthemum (Psilocaulon) junceum‘Asbos’ is a shrub up to 1m (60cm) tall. Stems jointed and succulent. On young stems, leaves are present for a short period, but they fall off as soon as the dry period sets in. The flowers are white, pink or purple, up to 1.5 cm across and appea...
    Friday, 8th March 2024
  • Tulp- Morea Polystachya/PallidaTulp poisoning can be seen in times of drought as it may be the only greenery around in the veld.
    Friday, 8th March 2024
  • Mexican Poppy- Argemone MexicanaMexican poppy is very unpalatable, so Angora goats are very unlikely to eat the plant.
    Wednesday, 28th February 2024
  • SATANSBOS, Silver-leaf nightshade – Solanum elaeagnifoliumAll farmers will be familiar with ‘Satansbos’ also called ‘Silver-leaf nightshade’ or ‘bitter apple ‘. It is one of the Solanum species (Solanum elaeagnifolium).
    Tuesday, 16th May 2023
  • Asaemia axillaris – ‘Vuursiektebossie’Vuursiektebossie may cause deaths and be responsible for photosensitivity in sheep. No cases have been confirmed in Angora goats.
    Wednesday, 14th December 2022
  • ‘Springbokbossie’ ‘Malkopharpuis’ Hertia pallensHertia pallens affects the liver and lungs which has been seen in sheep but as yet it has NOT been reported in Angora goats.
    Wednesday, 14th December 2022
  • Dikoor: Panicum spp- Buffalo grassOutbreaks of photosensitivity have occurred in sheep grazing buffalo grass but have not reported in Angora goats to date.
    Wednesday, 14th December 2022
  • Pithomyces chartarum- ‘Stellenbosch photosensitivityThe fungus Pithomyces chartarum can cause hepatogenous photosensitivity. Not all animals in the flock will show photosensitivity.
    Wednesday, 14th December 2022
  • Pteronia pallens- witbossie, Scholtz-bossieThe poisoning has not been reported in Angora goats but outbreaks have occurred in sheep in the Karoo.
    Wednesday, 14th December 2022
  • IONOPHORE Poisoning in Angora goatsIonophore poisoning has occurred in Angora goats in the Karoo after being fed Chicken manure.
    Tuesday, 6th March 2018
  • Urea PoisoningUrea poisoning can occur when Angora goats take in excess amounts through a lick or if a lick gets wet (urea dissolves easily in water).
    Tuesday, 24th October 2017
  • Botulism 'lamsiekte'Botulism in Angora goats is seldom diagnosed but has been seen in the Karoo where goats have been fed chicken litter. It is intoxication and not an infection and follows ingestion of decomposed organic matter mostly of animal origin. There are 7 type...
    Tuesday, 18th April 2017
  • 'Vermeersiekte' Geigeria spp.Massive outbreaks have been reported in sheep in the past. More than a million sheep died in Griqualand west in 1929/30 and again in 1954 about 55 000 sheep died. Angora goats are also susceptible but the symptoms are different.
    Tuesday, 18th April 2017
  • Copper Toxicity 'Geelsiekte'Copper (Cu) toxicity may occur in the Karoo particularly in iron ‘ysterklip’ dolomite veld as well as on planted pastures. Angora goats are much less prone to toxicity than sheep  so toxicity is rare.
    Tuesday, 18th April 2017
  • Kaalsiekte 'Lakteersiekte'Chrysocoma tenuifolia also known as ‘Bitterbos’ or ‘Bitter karoo’ poisoning in Angora goats is responsible for:
    Tuesday, 18th April 2017
  • Ivermectin ToxicityAnthelmitic use in Angora goats generally is advised (off label) at 1.5-2x the Sheep therapeutic dose as goats metabolise anthelmintics (doses) at a much faster rate than sheep. In sheep it takes about 11 days for ivermectin to drop below the detecta...
    Tuesday, 18th April 2017
  • Levamizole toxicityLevamizole  toxity has been seen in Angora goats  due to overdosing.
    Tuesday, 18th April 2017
  • 'WITSTORM' 'VAALSTORM' Thesium spp.Most deaths in winter on southern slopes but can occur whenever the ‘witstorm’ is consumed.  Deaths are usually acute and symptoms have been demonstrated in trials in sheep fed 50g dried material.
    Thursday, 31st March 2016
  • 'Waterpens' Galenia Africana‘Waterpens’ Galenia Africana
    Tuesday, 8th March 2016

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