Angora Goat Health


Dr Mackie Hobson, a vet based in Graaff- Reinet, serves as the dedicated mohair industry vet.

His appointment aligned with the vision of the mohair industry to support mohair producers and their Angora goats.


How do producers benefit?

Dr Mackie is available to mohair producers, free of charge, for any health-related advice, as a speaker at farmers’ association information days, study groups, for performing post mortems, farm call-outs in the event of medium to large scale animal losses (upon approval), and treatment of Angora goats (excluding drugs).

The aim is to support mohair producers and their Angora goats, improve disease surveillance and communicate health and welfare-related matters to producers.

The interests of Angora goat producers will be represented on animal health forums and research councils. Dr Hobson will also advise farmers on the merits of animal health products, do on-farm field studies and assist with BEE training while providing affordable BEE veterinary support.

The Vet’s Corner is intended as a source of information for Angora goat health.


How can Mohair producers contact Dr Hobson?

Dr Hobson is a private vet and works on a part-time basis for the industry




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